Homer The Simpsons Coozie Koozie Beer & Soda Hugger 12oz Can or Bottle Cooler
$13.99 Regular Price
$11.89Sale Price
This hilarious The Simpsons To Alcohol Can Hugger features Homer with a stein of brew (Duff, no doubt) toasting "To Alcohol." The words "The Cause of - and Solution to - All of Life's Problems" also appear. If only life was that simple. Order this fun item right away! Keep your favorite bevy ice cold and your countertops dry with these funny sayings and graphic designed bottle and can huggers. Don't let a beer get warm! Make sure to get extra for company.
Bottle & Can Collectible Koozies/Coozies MiscGoodies is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned and Operated Business. |